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How can SMS & email be used together to maximize your sales?

SMS and Email work best when used together. They complement each other in a way that benefits e-commerce businesses, which leads us to the question – How do they differ, and how can they be used together best? Today, we will go through the benefits of SMS and Email and how you can use them together to maximize your sales.

What are the benefits of SMS marketing?

If you want a marketing channel where the recipients read 97% of all text messages, SMS is the only channel to meet your expectations. The conversion rate with SMS is usually more than twice as high as email, making it a very effective channel for sales and building better customer relations.

To achieve the best possible results with SMS marketing, you need to segment your audience so that the right person receives the right message. With Bogio, you can make your SMS more relevant with advanced segmentation. Your imagination is the only thing that limits the segmentation; the more relevant the message, the better results you will get.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

Email is one of the oldest digital marketing channels and is very customizable. Unlike SMS, Email has a much lower opening rate of 20-30%, while the click-through rate (CTR) usually ends at around 2.5%. In comparison, SMS has a 97% open rate and up to 10-29% CTR depending on the campaign.

Why use Email if SMS gives such good results? With email, you have more freedom to describe what your offer. You have the option to customize text, images and design exactly how you want to get readers to convert. You can make more informative messages with email than you can with SMS.

The synergy effect of combining SMS & Email - Reach a larger part of your target audience cost-effectively

Minimizing costs and maximizing revenue is what most people strive for when it comes to marketing – especially during challenging economic times. An example of how to take advantage of the synergy between SMS and Email is: 


Start by sending out an email campaign to the selected target group


Send a follow-up SMS to those who have yet to open the email

Since SMS costs per sending while an Email does not, it is wise to start by sending out an email campaign. Some emails you send out will hit the spot and hopefully result in a conversion, but some emails don’t arrive or appear in an overflowing mailbox. This way, you capture those who convert via email first, and then you can send out fewer SMS in the next step – for example, to those who did not open the email you sent. Since 97% of all SMS are read and, on average, have 10-29% CTR depending on the campaign, you reach a larger part of your audience group cost-effectively.

To summarise, different types of communication work differently depending on the customer. Combining the two channels is optimal for increasing the likelihood of conversion and maximizing your sales.

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